Optimized Geologic Carbon Storage
Experimental And numerical StudY of GEOlogic CARBON storage
Global warming is accelerating faster than ever, fueling a climate catastrophe!
What We Do

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EASY GEO-CARBON proposes an integrated experimental-modeling workflow to ‎substantially improve the knowledge of CO2 interactions with rocks and their potential impacts on ‎short- and long-term response of the subsurface to CO2 storage. To achieve this goal, we will inject CO2 into reservoir rock samples in the laboratory under representative underground conditions to reach an in-depth understanding and develop a mathematical formulation of coupled Hydraulic-Mechanical-Chemical (HMC) processes that occur in rock as a result of CO2 injection. We will incorporate the model into an open-access numerical code and validate it by reproducing laboratory observations. We will finally use this numerical tool to simulate megatonne-scale CO2 injection at two sites. The developed knowledge of coupled HMC processes in rock during CO2 injection puts more reliable constraints ‎on reservoir injectivity and storage capacity‎ and provides a more realistic understanding of the risks associated with induced seismicity and CO2 leakage towards the surface, two obstacles that in part fed into delays in widespread deployment of Carbon Capture and Storage in deep geological formations, also referred to as geologic carbon storage. Thus, the successful development of EASY GEO-CARBON will pave the way for optimized ‎geologic carbon storage and its rapid and vast scale-up.

To characterize and formulate the rock behavior in contact with CO2

Numerical simulations

To predict CCS performance at spatiotemporal scales of interest

Optimized CCS

To make carbon removal more efficient, cost-effective and environmental friendly‎

Invited talks

RING webinar series

Iman Rahimzadeh Kivi in the Research for Integrative Numerical Geology (RING) webinar on Thursday June 29 at 1:15 pm. Webinar series of the Research for

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How we create value

Bring CCS to the Global Level

Our goal is to accelerate CCS scale-up through knowledge creation, communication and dissemination

Build knowledge

EASY GEO-CARBON develops knowledge of coupled THMC processes of CO2 injection in rock, reactive transport modeling in deformable porous media and geologic carbon storage. Numerical models will be implemented in an open-source research code.

Make informed decisions on climate actions

EASY GEO-CARBON offers a powerful predictive tool for technical ‎assessment of the industrial-scale CCS deployment. This helps climate strategists, investors, and decision-makers understand the quality and timing of progressing ‎toward climate targets and, if necessary, adapt the decarbonization roadmap.‎

Promote public awareness of CCS

Our communication and engagement plan devote special attention to reaching out to all people given their critical role in cutting emissions. EASY GEO-CARBON aims at building a ‎positive public perception of CCS, which helps climate policies and regulations ‎develop around ‎this technology with further ease.‎

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