What We Do
To characterize and formulate the rock behavior in contact with CO2
Numerical simulations
To predict CCS performance at spatiotemporal scales of interest
Optimized CCS
To make carbon removal more efficient, cost-effective and environmental friendly

Iman Rahimzadeh Kivi has co-authored a book chapter.
EASY GEO-CARBON has contributed to publishing a book chapter on Induced seismicity in Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS). “Induced seismicity in EGS” has been published as

New publication in Earth System Science Data
The EASY GEO-CARBON team has published a paper on global physics-based database of injection-induced seismicity. The paper is open access and can be downloaded here.

RING webinar series
Iman Rahimzadeh Kivi in the Research for Integrative Numerical Geology (RING) webinar on Thursday June 29 at 1:15 pm. Webinar series of the Research for
How we create value
Bring CCS to the Global Level
Our goal is to accelerate CCS scale-up through knowledge creation, communication and dissemination
Build knowledge
EASY GEO-CARBON develops knowledge of coupled THMC processes of CO2 injection in rock, reactive transport modeling in deformable porous media and geologic carbon storage. Numerical models will be implemented in an open-source research code.
Make informed decisions on climate actions
EASY GEO-CARBON offers a powerful predictive tool for technical assessment of the industrial-scale CCS deployment. This helps climate strategists, investors, and decision-makers understand the quality and timing of progressing toward climate targets and, if necessary, adapt the decarbonization roadmap.
Promote public awareness of CCS
Our communication and engagement plan devote special attention to reaching out to all people given their critical role in cutting emissions. EASY GEO-CARBON aims at building a positive public perception of CCS, which helps climate policies and regulations develop around this technology with further ease.